As I spend few months working in different countries and experiencing different cultures, an account of my experiences follows...

First Euro Trip

With numerous options to explore various cultures, Europe would have been a great place to cover during my nomadic days (when I was traveling to a place to stay for at least a few months) – didn’t happen. But, as fate would have it, on my first business trip after taking up a new role, I ended up in....Rotterdam, Netherlands! A typical short business trip hardly gives any time to look around and explore, but luckily for me the schedules worked in such a way that I got a free weekend in Rotterdam – enough opening for me to make the trip memorable outside work as well!

Sight seeing in 4 cities in a week long work tip - not too shabby!
On a Saturday morning armed with a map of the city in hand, I landed in Amsterdam Central station. After taking a guided canal tour in a boat to get a feel for the place, I started my waking expedition to cover the city. Seven hours of picking target destinations on the map, following the road signs and map direction with absolute no help from technology, getting lost, finding my way again, aimlessly following the crowd, talking with random fellow tourists...made it more than a satisfactory excursionist day! Though a bit tired form all Amsterdam walk, Sunday was the day to explore Antwerp (Belgium)! As I tuned out I spend another 7-8 hours walking with a map in my hand exploring the beauty of the city. While returning back to Rotterdam with sore feet, looking back at the fantastic weekend, I realized that I did not really enter any museum during the entire weekend!! Achievement or failure?

Ommegang in Brussels

My return to NY was on a weekend morning from Brussels, in order to give me enough time to get to the airport I had booked a hotel in Brussels for the night before. Immediately after arriving at the hotel....I ventured out again – at the history square of the city, Grand Palace, I was greeted by hundreds of people huddling up trying to catch a glimpse of something. Enquiring around I understood that it was one of the nights of 'Ommegang', an annual historic parade, part of the Brussels oldest town-events. Witnessing 1400 performers helping you relive history was just the climax I needed to make the trip unforgettable!

The Indian Nexus                                                                                              

One of the best things about traveling for me has always been opportunity to meet different people and listen to their stories and experiences. How some people connect to my motherland, India, astonishes me every now and then.

On my first day at Rotterdam while having breakfast I was doing my usual routine of inquiring about vegetarian options, when the chef overheard the conversation and decided to help me personally. As I enjoyed the breakfast and a conversation with him, I learned that he had his descendance from....India! His great grandparents were among the many others who, hundreds of years ago, were moved to Suriname (currently an independent country in northern South America) -  at that time it was a colony of British Empire and was later captured by the Dutch. When the country gained independence for Kingdom of Netherlands in 1974, his family moved to Rotterdam. He gleefully reveled that though he has no know family ties, he still visits the country every year.

On one of my flights I met a Russian American. As we were talking, I noticed she kept shuffling some sort of flash cards in her hand. On closer look, I was amazed as I recognized that the cards actually had extracts from a Indian holy book. Apparently, she was returning after spending 6 months teaching yoga in India. She claimed that, she was a dancer who due to an accident was handicapped enough to be unable to pursue a career in dancing. To overcome the frustration she took over yoga a few years back and was so pleased with the results that she decided to become an instructor. Now she travels around the world including India teaching yoga to help people!

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