As I spend few months working in different countries and experiencing different cultures, an account of my experiences follows...

Culture shock in office :O

As you spend a few days in a business complex in Moscow, one anomaly from business centers around the world is clearly visible…the professional dress code of women! The sex ratio is Russia is tilted in favor of women - so in office you see a lot of women, but what is surprising is that the dress code is far less formal.

We share the building with other know American corporate powerhouses such as IBM, GE, Eli Lilly, Novartis etc. To explain without exaggeration I will simply quote my boss (an expat himself) “They dress as if they are coming to a party....every single day of the week!!!" Sitting in the common cafeteria of the business center drawing my attention to some extreme examples he adds, "People back home don't believe me, but I dont blame them!"

This post is just a result of observation in one part of the city and might not be generally applicable.


  1. Can't think of a situation where this is more apt - "A picture is worth a thousand words" :)

  2. Agree with the above isn't difficult to click and it :P

  3. will wait for the right opportunity to fulfill this request ;)

  4. Reminds me of stories shared by infoscians in London with whom I travelled to Wales. a typical Indian project manager to his team guys: " Boss, I can't concnetrate on the agenda in the meeting". Team guys: Speechless
